
Join us for the in-person May 2021 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 5/27 @ 7pm. All are welcome. This month's speaker will be Jim Farmer, K4BSE - "A Practical Tour Through the World of FM". It'll feature a lot of the technical info...

You're invited to join us for the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club spring fox hunt hosted by Ross Pryor, AJ4P. The fox hunt will take place on Saturday, April 17, 2021 starting at 8am. The fox(es) will be hidden in Fayette County. There will be a...

Thanks for attending the meeting.  Here's a recording and slides. Portable Ham Radio - Video recording (YouTube) Portable Ham Radio - Presentation Slides (PDF)   Please join us for the February 2021 monthly meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 2/25/2021 (always the last Thursday...

Join us online for the 2021 Fayette County Amateur Radio Club Annual Meeting, including officer elections.  Here's the connection information. Topic: FCARC 2021 Annual Meeting Time: Jan 28, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84574550340?pwd=NkJEWnVvS0JJRFNZazZpQ2lMdFJKUT09 Meeting ID: 845 7455 0340 Passcode: 12345 Dial by your location +1 301...

You're invited to join us for the monthly meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on Thursday, 10/29 at 7pm (local). Once again, we'll be meeting online. Instead of having a guest speaker this month, we decided to have a club "rag chew" discussion -...