You're invited to join us for the monthly meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on Thursday, 10/29 at 7pm (local). Once again, we'll be meeting online. Instead of having a guest speaker this month, we decided to have a club "rag chew" discussion - as if we were meeting...

Fayette County Amateur Radio Club September 2020 Online Club Meeting 9/24 @ 7pm (ET) You're invited! Guest speaker: Marcel Stieber, AI6MS Title: Everything you need to know about Lithium Batteries Abstract: Batteries are a necessity for almost all portable radio operations. With the advent of modern battery chemistries, the choices available to the radio amateur...

The Fayette County Amateur Radio Club will be holding it's August 2020 Club Meeting online on Thursday, August 27th at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Steve Yothment, W4OGM, who will be giving a presentation about digital decoding on HF (shortwave) bands. About our speaker - Steve Yothment, W4OGM Steve is a...

Join us on Thursday, July 30th at 7pm for the online monthly meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club. Our guest speaker will be George Fenn, W4VBD. Here is George's synopsis of the presentation: This will cover DMR, some of it's history, and resources for further research. Since a lot of...

The Fayette County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC - held a drive-by fox hunt on Sunday, May 31, 2020 from 5-7pm.  In the amateur (ham) radio community, a "fox hunt" is a radio direction finding exercise in which participants locate a hidden radio transmitter. Recognizing the need to maintain social distancing...

Join us for the May 2020 monthly meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club, always on the last Thursday evening of the month. In preparation for Field Day, Brian Haren (W8BYH) and Bob Gibler (NF5F) will be doing a demonstration of remote rig operations using two different systems -...

FAYETTE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB SPRING STAY-AT-HOME FOX HUNT Saturday, May 9th 8-9am This weekend is the CQ Worldwide Foxhunting Weekend (May 9-10, 2020). We're going to try something different and do a fox hunt as a club, from the comfort of your home QTH. More details forthcoming, but here's the concept: 1. A...

Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, the April meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club will be conducted online using Zoom. Our guest speaker will be Bob Gibler, NF5F. Bob will be giving an online presentation "Reducing EMI by using Ferrites". Topic: Fayette County ARC - April 2020 meeting...

Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, the March meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club will be conducted online - Thursday, 3/26 @ 7pm. Here's the connection information: Topic: Fayette County Amateur Radio Club Meeting - March 2020 Time: Mar 26, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom...

FCARC will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, February 27th at the Fayette County EOC (Emergency Operations Center). The meeting begins at 7:00 PM with a presentation by Brian Haren, W8BYH and George Fenn, W4VBD on terminating power and antenna feed lines....