Join us for the in-person July 2023 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 7/27/23 @ 7pm. All are welcome. This month’s program will be "Introduction to Contesting" presented by Alex Van Patten, W3AVP from Blue Ball, PA. Alex came to our attention from the QSO Today Virtual Ham...

Join us for the in-person May 2023 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 5/25/23 @ 7pm. All are welcome. This month's program will be presented by Ms. Katye Vogt, KM4KMX, Director of Fayette County 911 Communications. The Fayette County 911 Communications Center was established in 1995 with the...

Join us for the in-person March 2023 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 3/30/23 @ 7pm. All are welcome. THIS month's program will be a tape measure Yagi antenna build, led by Joe (KI4ASK) & Mary Catherine (KI4HHI) Domaleski. This will be a hands-on class in which each...

Join us for the in-person February 2023 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 2/23/23 @ 7pm. All are welcome. THIS month's program is entitled "DX'ing 101" by Dr. Jeff Cantor, K1ZN, of the Southeast DX Club. Jeff is the author of  the book Nifty E-Z Guide to Adventures...

Join us for the in-person January 2023 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 1/26 @ 7pm. All are welcome. This month's program will be a club business meeting for officer elections as well as a guest speaker Brent Baxter, KN4VAD - APRS WX Digipeater Setup.   Click here for a...

Join us for the in-person October 2022 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 10/27 @ 7pm. All are welcome. This month's speaker will be Jim Farmer, K4BSE - Oscilloscopes It'll feature a lot of fun tips, tricks, and information about oscilloscopes. Meeting will be held at the Fayette County Emergency...

Join us for the in-person meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 9/29/2022 @ 7pm.  All are welcome to attend.  There will be an optional Eating Before the Meeting starting at 5:15pm at City Cafe and Bakery in Fayetteville, GA.   Topic: Transmission Line Theory Presenters: Ross Pryor, AJ4P and Steve...

Join us for the in-person meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 8/25/2022 @ 7pm.  All are welcome to attend.  There will be an optional Eating Before the Meeting starting at 5:15pm at Wings and Things in Fayetteville - 389 Glynn Street North.   Topic: All about digital hotspots for...

Join us for the in-person meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 7/28/2022 @ 7pm. All are welcome to attend.  There will be an optional Eating Before the Meeting starting at 5:15pm at, located in the new Fayetteville City Center. Topic: NXDN Presenter: Paul Colombo - KI4MPZ, President of...

Join us for the in-person May 2022 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 5/26/2022 @ 7pm. All are welcome. Our meetings are generally held on the final Thursday of the month, except November & December.   Topic: Successful operation with older gear with techniques and examples   David Christie (WB5KFP) will...