MAY 2024 CLUB MEETING – The Ionosphere – That Great Big Fun-House Mirror in the Sky by K4BSE

MAY 2024 CLUB MEETING – The Ionosphere – That Great Big Fun-House Mirror in the Sky by K4BSE

Join us for the in-person May 2024 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 5/30 @ 7pm. All are welcome.

This month’s speaker will be Jim Farmer, K4BSE – The Ionosphere – That Great Big Fun-House Mirror in the Sky

Jim Farmer was first licensed as KN4BSE (novice class) in 1957, upgrading to General Class (K4BSE) the following year, and he has held the same call since then – he doesn’t want to change calls for fear he won’t be able to remember another. He received the BSEE and MSEE degrees from the University of South Florida in 1967 and 1968 respectively. His 45 year career was mostly in the design of cable TV and fiber optics equipment. He was active in ham radio in the 70s, but went QRT to raise a family and work, returning to ham radio as retirement neared.

Jim is a life Fellow of the IEEE and a life member of SMPTE and SCTE. He published extensively in the cable TV field, with a number of publications in IEEE and several commercial periodicals, and coauthored several books on cable TV. He still writes one column for a quarterly publication, but since he writes under a secret pseudonym, he’d have to kill you if he told you. He has taught the Extra Class license for FCARC and SARA (radio club in Forsyth county). He has one wife, three daughters, seven grandkids and two great grandkids, so he must be really old.

Here’s a downloadable PDF copy of the slides that will be used for the meeting.

Meeting will be held at the Fayette County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 110 Volunteer Way, Fayetteville, GA. The EOC is co-located with the 911 center.

Online meeting access information via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 255 894 6756
Passcode: 654863