JULY 2024 CLUB MEETING – Whole Home Generator Integration by N5JEY and ND1J

JULY 2024 CLUB MEETING – Whole Home Generator Integration by N5JEY and ND1J

Join us for the in-person July 2024 meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on 7/25 @ 7pm. All are welcome.

This month’s speakers will be Dave Christie, N5JEY and David Blubaugh, ND1J – Whole Home Generator Integration.

Dave Christie, N5JEY, is a retired chemical engineer who worked for 44 years implementing
computerized process control on oil refinery and chemical process units. Dave’s interest in
radio was sparked in 1971 by listening to overseas shortwave broadcast stations on a
Hallicrafters receiver from Radio Shack. He earned his Novice ticket in 1973 at age 25 and soon
progressed up through General, Advanced and Extra Class.

One of Dave’s interests in ham radio is Emergency Service Communications. In the Emergency
Service capacity he has been a member at various times of ARES, RACES, Civil Defense, and
American Red Cross. Dave currently serves as an Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Fayette
County ARES and supports many local field service and training activities. Activity is on both
voice and digital modes such as Winlink, VarAC, and others.

In the realm of HF operation, CW is by far Dave’s favorite mode. He is a moderately active DXer
within the constraint of HOA antenna covenants. In addition to membership in the Fayette
County KK4GQ club and the Newnan Regional Amateur Radio club, he is a member of the
Southeastern DX club. As of now, he has a total of 262 DX countries confirmed on mixed
modes, with 204 on CW but only 40 on SSB. He has also worked all CQ Zones on both Mixed
and CW modes for the WAZ Award.

This evening’s joint presentation with Dave Blubaugh, ND1J, will discuss our experiences with
having Generac whole house generators installed at our homes. We will cover our motivations,
the required electrical components, specifications, generator location, sizing considerations,
installation and operating costs, and maintenance. There will be time for questions and
answers at the end. A comprehensive writeup prepared by ND1J will be available for those
with further interest.

Meeting will be held at the Fayette County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 110 Volunteer Way, Fayetteville, GA. The EOC is co-located with the 911 center.

Online meeting access information via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 255 894 6756
Passcode: 654863