06 Jan JANUARY 2025 CLUB MEETING – CI-V and CAT – How To Talk To Your Radio with George Fenn, W4VBD
Join us for the in-person meeting of the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club on Thursday 1/30/2025 @ 7pm. All are welcome to attend. The location and time are same as always:
Time: 7pm EDT
Location: Fayette County Emergency Operations Center at 110 Volunteer Way, Fayetteville, GA.
Topic: CI-V & CAT – How To Talk To Your Radio with George Fenn, W4VBD
Presenter: George Fenn, W4VBD (Current FCARC Club President)
Presenter Bio: Originally from Oklahoma, George and his family moved to Georgia in 1993 for his new job, who now is a software engineer for the Unisys Corporation.
As part of teaching the Radio Merit Badge to his Boy Scout Troop, George passed the Technician exam in 2007 as a birthday present to his dad George, W5VBD (sk), who was first licensed in 1952. George had been around ham radio all his life because of his dad, but it had never been an interest until that point. Even with his Technician, nothing was done with it. In 2017 George upgraded to General so he would be able to talk with his dad on the radio, who at that time was in a nursing home back in Oklahoma. This was done using the internet service RemoteHamRadio.
His son Jacob, W3VBD is a General and a third generation ham using his grandad’s Yaesu FT-840. George’s interests are mainly HF, where at his home QTH using 40m and 20m SSB he enjoys ragchewing and special event stations; HF in the field using QRP for POTA/SOTA operations with a Yaesu FT818; plus digital using DMR through a ZumSpot hotspot. He especially enjoys antique radios along with their history.
Meeting Location
The meeting will be held at the Fayette County Emergency Operations Center at 110 Volunteer Way, Fayetteville, GA.
The club meeting will also be live streamed if you are not able to make it in person.
Zoom Meeting Details
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 255 894 6756
Passcode: 654863
<OPTIONAL> There will be an optional Eating Before the Meeting starting at 5:00pm at Wings & Things Fayetteville. Address: 389 Glynn Street North, Fayetteville, GA 30214. Kindly RSVP to kn4vad@gmail.com. RSVP is not required to attend but just helps us with seating.
Get there a little early to get in your orders. You can check out the menu at: http://homeofthescorchers.com/