The Fayette County Amateur Radio Club invites you to participate in our Annual Field Day activities, always the last weekend of June. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, things are going to be a little different this year – but we’re still planning on a lot of radio fun & fellowship. We will keep this page updated with our plans as well as our club KK4GQ Facebook Group.
THANK YOU! Thank you for a great Field Day Weekend. – KI4ASK for the FCARC Leadership Team
The current updated scheduled activities (as of 6/28/2020, 4:55pm) are:
Saturday, June 27, 2020
8:00am-12:00pm – Pre-Field Day Dual Fox Hunt. Join John (AI4RT) and Joe (KI4ASK) for some good old fashioned radio direction finding (a.k.a. “fox hunting) in two locations! John will have a fox setup in Peachtree City. Joe will have a fox setup in Fayetteville. You’ll have four hours to find them both. Hop on the club 521 repeater at 8am sharp for details and fox frequencies. After we take a quick roll call, we’ll also use the 442.500 Peachtree City repeater for the PTC fox and stay on 521 for the Fayetteville fox. Invite your friends, this will be our only public-facing event. Click here for a short overview presentation on Fox Hunting 101.
2:00pm – Stay-at-Home Field Day. The ARRL Field Day event officially starts at 2pm and ends at 5pm (local) on Sunday, June 28th. Traditionally, we have gathered in a central spot to operate radios together. Click here to see what we did last year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rules have been modified so that operators can work from home, but combine scores for a club score. We’ve opted to do that and will be using the N1MM logging software. See the resource links at the bottom of this page for more about the rules and the logging software.
2:00pm – Field Day Kick-off APRS Net. In order to kick-off field day and know where everyone is at, we’re going to try something new and operate an APRS net. N7CPT will serve as net control and beacon the W4JB-7 club callsign (one of our two club callsigns). Send an APRS message to that station to be recognized. If you have an APRS radio, try to use that. If you don’t have an APRS radio, use the web version here Net Control N7CPT as W4JB-7.
6:00pm – Fayette County Simplex Net. Join us on 146.535 MHz FM Simplex from your house or at a special location. Let’s see if we can setup a Fayette County radio relay by using a little power and line-of-sight to see what we can do with VHF. Net Control will be centrally located and call stations by geographic area. Net control W8BYH who is centrally located in Fayette County.
8:00pm (TBD) – Saturday Night “Special” Net. Join us back on the club 145.210 KK4GQ repeater for this ragchew net where participants share favorite field day memories. Net control KI4NGD.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
9:00am – Sunday Morning HF Digital Net using JS8Call. Grab a cup of coffee, hook your computer up to your HF radio, and let’s do a little digital mode text messaging. Net control will be Brian Haren, W8BYH. All you need to do to participate is to set up the ‘@KK4GQ’ call group in JS8CALL, and we’ll use that to notify participants of net activity. We’ll start on the standard JS8CALL 40 meter frequency of 7.078 mhz. If things on 40 meters are too crowded we’ll shift over to 80 meters (3.578 mhz). Net control W8BYH.
5:00pm – Field Day Ends / Close-out Net on 521. Okay, we want to hear about your Field Day adventures. Join us back on the 521 club repeater for a quick wrap-up of the weekend. Net control KI4ASK or TBD.
The 5pm Net is CANCELLED – We’ll recap Field Day during our regularly scheduled Tuesday Night net. 73.
ARRL / SVRC 2020 FIELD DAY VIDEO (worth a watch)
N1MM Logging Software